
What is ATME LC?

ATME LC (read: at-me-LC), A Two Minutes Escape Little Canvas, is a sub-blog dedicated to my passion towards nail and nail-arts. I usually posted this particular passion on my regular blog, ATME (A Two Minutes Escape), which you can find by clicking the furthest right page. However, the point of ATME was to share my daily-life, not only my nail-obsession. So with the growing nail-post I did these recent times, I decided that I need one blog, just for my nails. 

Who is ATME LC?

ATME LC is a seriously amateur nail blog. Her love for nails and polishes have been there for years, but it was an on-and-off relationship. One day, she read Chalkboard Nails, and her passion towards nails and nail-arts arose again, to the highest peak. She do really hope, though, that this time the relationship would last.


Well, because it is a sub-blog, I decided to put ATME, my regular blog, in front of the real blog's name: Little Canvas. It is actually a label name for my nail posts in ATME. Aside from that, my nails are literary my canvases, since I paint them regularly, and love doing it. I love how it coincidentally matches my initials (LC for Lenny Cheng and Little Canvas). So in the end, the blog name is kind of a fun pun. ATME LC (at-me-Lenny Cheng).


 I will try my very best to post everyday. I'll do swatches, tutorials, just about anything nail-related I can post. Some of the posts would be scheduled, because I always super busy during the first two weeks of every month. So for that, I'm crossing fingers that Blogger won't fail me to publish them.


For more about my daily life, you can visit my regular blog: atmescape.blogspot.com
(or by clicking the furthest right page)
or ask me on Formspring
You can drop your question in the widget on the sidebar. My twitter and formspring are connected, so in case you don't have a formspring account, you can trace your question with twitter.
or simply e-mail me at: littlecanvas@rocketmail.com
I check my inbox everyday, so replies are guaranteed ;)
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